When can I bring an application for a Protection Order in terms of The Protection from Harassment Act?
A complainant may lodge an application for a protection order against a Respondent in terms of the Protection from Harassment Act, Act 17 of 2011 when the complainant is being harassed by the Respondent.
There is no requirement that the Complainant and the Respondent need to have a “domestic relationship” to enable the complainant to make use of this particular legal route.
The definition of “harassment” in terms of the Act includes the conduct of a Respondent that causes harm or inspires the reasonable belief that harm may be caused to the complainant by the Respondent following, watching and / or pursuing the complainant as well as verbal, electronic or any other communication aimed at the complainant and includes the sending, delivering or causing of delivery of letters, packages, faxes, emails and more.
Therefore if harm is being caused to you, be it mental, psychological, physical or economic harm, you may approach the Court for assistance.
Contact our offices for legal advice and assistance in instituting proceedings to protect yourself and / or your family.